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how is tequila made?
11 Sep

How Is Tequila Made?

If you enjoy tequila, you’ve likely wondered: “how is tequila made?” As one of the most recognizable and celebrated spirits, the tequila has produced some of the most popular brands and signature cocktails to date. It derives from the blue agave plant (scientifically known as the agave tequilana).  Depending on where the agave is harvested…

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best spirits to drink on the rocks
23 Aug

The Best Spirits To Serve On The Rocks

We definitely know the best spirits to serve on the rocks. For many, this is a highly preferred way of enjoying their favorite spirits. But are all spirits better on the rocks, or do some offer a more amplified experience? Knowing which spirits work best with ice will increase your repertoire among your peers as…

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What are botanicals in gin
03 Aug

What Are Botanicals And How Are They Used In Gin?

One of the most well-known elements of a gin is its botanical qualities. But what are botanicals and what makes them so special when crafting gin? That classic pine taste you notice when you sip on fine gin comes from the juniper berry, which is just one of many fascinating botanicals used in the distilling…

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Facts about vodka
18 Jun

9 Interesting Facts About Vodka

The most interesting facts about vodka are aplenty, so we collected the best of the best here at the SIP Awards. With plenty of amazing facts about vodka to talk about with friends and family, the best place to start is right here. Vodka has continued to be one of the most celebrated spirits on…

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