Shaken or Stirred? What’s The Difference?
What’s the difference between shaken or stirred? There’s much debate but there are in fact logical reasons between choosing one approach over the other. Some bartenders say that shaking a cocktail waters down the drink too much due to ice chips and prefer stirring as a more gentle approach. However, there are some necessary occasions when a drink should be shaken and not stirred.
When Shaken Is Preferred
There is a standard rule that many bartenders go by: if a cocktail has simple syrup, dairy, juice, cream liqueurs, sour mix, or egg whites, then the best approach is to shake and not stir. The reason behind this is because has a lot to do with the frothy aesthetics of a mixed drink; it aerates (introduces air) perfectly which creates that frothy vibe of a drink.
The shake method is also preferred if all of the drink’s ingredients need to be fully mixed. The drink will look very cloudy at first but it will dissipate quickly. Some frequent sippers prefer the added ice ships in their drinks. This is because the dilution provides a balance between ingredients some drinks really enjoy.
Three Shaken Drinks To Try
New Orleans Fizz – Filled with gin, simple syrup, lime and lemon juices, egg whites, cream, and fleurs d’orange, it’s obvious why this drink needs to be shaken in order to mix it effectively into one delicious experience.
Chocolate Martini – Made with delightful chocolate liqueur, Creme De Cocao, heavy cream and vodka, this shaken drink turns out visually stunning with a perfect texture and mixture.
Mai Tai – With dark and amber rum as a base, orange juice, triple sec, lime juice, syrup, almost extract, some sugar and a tiny bit of grenadine, this beloved drink is one of the most popular shaken drinks on the planet.
When Stirring Is Preferred
If a mixed drink doesn’t call for ingredients like dairy, juice, or egg whites, then stirring is the correct approach. Some examples of drinks to stir are Manhattans or Martinis. These types of drinks do not benefit from the shaking process. It would decrease the ABV and the overall tasting experience.
Three Stirred Drinks to Try
Negroni – Made with gin, vermouth, and some Campari, the Negroni is gently chilled with ice before being poured. Garnished with a zesty orange peel, the end result is incredibly delicious.
Manhattan – Sweet vermouth with some rye whiskey make up the base of this drink with some delightful bitters. Garnished with a cherry, and an orange twist, the manhattan is one of the most preferred stirred drinks in the spirits industry.
Imperial Cocktail – Mixed with gin, dry vermouth, a small amount of maraschino liqueur, and some bitters, this stirred drink comes together as a very high-class looking beverage.
Now that you know how to order a drink shaken or stirred, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the page and make sure to visit our 2019 winners here for some great brands to shake or stir in the future!